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Yealmpstone Farm Primary School

'The doorway to learning for the whole community.'

Health Update and helpful Information

Please find attached the link to our live community calendar.


Community Calendar

Health Update

22/02/24 Although we no longer need to be as restricted by Covid, we are mindful of the impact it has had on our community. We are working really hard to ensure all children have a good attendance at school. This term we are mindful of scarlet fever and measles. If your child displays any of these symptoms then please seek further medical advice.

02/03/22 Welcome back to the new half term everyone. As you will be  aware, the government have removed all restrictions for Covid during half term. We are still operating a risk assessment to ensure we continue to keep the children, staff and community safe. The measures are somewhat reduced now. If your child has symptoms of Covid we would ask you to keep them at home until they clear up and inform us so that we can inform the other parents and keep everyone vigilant. We have some concern that cases may start to increase following the lifting of restrictions and therefore we will keep some measures in place as they have helped to ensure the smooth running of the school. 

10/01/22 Welcome back everyone! We continue to have the challenge of managing with a shortage of staff due to Covid and this is affecting our attendance of pupils as well. We will inform classes if their are cases and ask you to carry out a LFT. If this is positive then children will need to self isolate for seven days. If they test negative on day seven then they can return to school. Online learning will continue to be available for children who are self-isolating but well enough to work.

07/12/21 Good morning everyone. As you are aware we now have a number of Covid cases in school and therefore we have adopted enhanced measures to ensure that we are keeping everyone safe. Please remember to wear a mask when you visit the school site and follow Covid guidelines. If a child develops symptoms in the class, we will let the whole class know and ask you to get a PCR test for your child. They can still attend school whilst you wait for the results unless they have symptoms. 

29/11/21 Good afternoon. Following the government announcement on Saturday we will be returning to mask wearing around the school communal areas and ensuring that all spaces are well ventilated. We have a number of cases in school and would ask everyone to remain vigilant with the symptoms and testing. 

18/10/21 Good morning everyone. You will have heard that Plymouth is an enhanced regional area for Covid (ERA). This means that we have extra measures in place to keep us safe. Please remember to keep a good distance between others when arriving and leaving the school grounds. If you or your child has symptoms then please carry out a PCR test and return to school if your test is negative. A positive test result will mean that you must isolate for ten days. If someone in your house tests positive then you must all self-isolate for ten days. 

COVID Risk Assessment 2022

Catch-Up Funding

At YFPS we have pledged to ensure all children who need catch up support in each year group will be provided for. We have analysed the children's data and we have identified those who need additional catch up funding.

Further information can be found here.

Remote Learning Provision at YFPS

Online Log In Details - please call the school office on 343411 or email if you are having trouble accessing any of your child's online learning accounts.

Please click this link to go to  google classroom. You will need your child's google email address and password.






Information and advice from the NHS, the Government and Public Health England regarding the spread of Coronavirus and what you can do to help slow the spread.







Please click on this link to access an NHS video, showing the most effective way of washing your hands.


Please click on this link to access up to date information from Public Health England.


Department for Educations Coronavirus Helpline - this helpline has been set up to answer questions about the virus related to education.  Staff, parents and young people can contact the helpline:

  • Phone: 0800 046 8687
  • Email:
  • Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)


The current advice is:


Make sure you and your children follow these general principles to prevent spreading any respiratory virus:


  • Wash your hands often - wish soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or an alcohol-based sanitiser if soap and water aren't available.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are unwell.
  • If you feel unwell, stay at home and don't attend work or school.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in a bin.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces in the home.
  • If you're worried about your symptoms, please go to the website 111: or call 111



