What is Pupil premium?
Pupil Premium is a Government initiative, which provides additional funding aimed at children from deprived backgrounds. Research clearly shows established links between deprivation and educational underachievement, with the grant enabling schools to support these children in overcoming any barriers they may have in successfully engaging with their education. The Pupil Premium is provided in order to support these children to reach their full potential by accelerating their progress and providing them with experiences which may not normally be available to them.
DfE Information
The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England.
Pupil premium funding is available to schools maintained by the local authority, including:
This year our Pupil Premium Plan reflects the diverse range of income streams available to support our disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils covering a three year period. We have used our funding to enable children to make accelerated progress in the core subjects.
Our key principles are:
Please read the document below for a more detailed breakdown and impact of last year's work.